Interactive Consumer
Marketing Solutions
Market Overview
Consumers worldwide are being bombarded by mass advertising - The barrage of information is greatly reducing the effectiveness of traditional marketing.
Consumers in general tend to ignore advertising messages that do not appeal to their frame of mind and lifestyle as a whole.
Consumers today want the touch, feel, taste and smell element when deciding on which product/service to purchase.
Beyond conventional advertising - brands must connect emotionally with their target market in order to develop a loyal relationship.
'Face-to-face' educational interaction equates to messages from brands being understood, experienced and ultimately purchased by their target market.
About us
PRIMEDIA ACTIVATION strives to be a leading partner not only in consumer promotions, but also in educational drives as well as Cause Related Marketing initiatives - due to our ability to provide accurate mass and niche targeted media solutions and our extensive national network that comes from belonging to one of the largest media groups in the country. What's more, we're at the forefront of innovation as we constantly refine our strategies to keep them fresh and effective.
PRIMEDIA ACTIVATION creates memorable interactive consumer brand experiences with added value. By going beyond traditional media, we creatively enhance your consumer promotional activities by adding sassy dimensions such as touch, feel, smell, taste that entice consumers to interact with your brand.
How we do it
Getting the message to consumers, wherever they may be, is one thing but getting it to the right consumer is quite another. PRIMEDIA ACTIVATION has pioneered precision targeting, by approaching the right consumer at the right time with the right product - focusing on lifestyle marketing.
PRIMEDIA ACTIVATION has access to MarketScan, which is a comprehensive national database of Southern African Suburbia used to pinpoint specific target markets in suburbs, schools, work environments, leisure activities, traffic intersections and shopping centres.
PRIMEDIA ACTIVATION will conduct an in-depth analysis of your target market using Marketscan. This provides insights into your market's demographics ensuring precision targeting.
By undertaking in-depth research we have the ability to understand consumer's thinking and create campaigns that trigger the desired behavior. All this allows us to not only achieve precision targeting, but also provide suitable communications that guarantees maximum return on your promotional investment.
What we do
We offer a one-stop-solution to clients who are seeking creative and innovative ways to reach their desired market - fresh below-the-line ideas are our business!
We activate brand and product campaigns that ignite an immediate reaction from your consumers - providing a 'sensory banquet' around their brand experience thereby making it a memorable one.
Maximizing on the senses of taste, smell, touch, see, hear to effectively communicate key messages to consumers in exchange for immediate product feedback to client.
The concept is to make brands more accessible by placing the product in the hand of the consumer and educating them on the benefits - Brand-in-Hand!
Community investment projects as well as Cause Related Marketing initiatives also form part of the mix for our clients.
The concept is a simple one - offer a variety of interactive consumer mediums and package them together providing a full solution to client.
The service offerings range from pure brand awareness to sponsorships to sampling opportunities to interactive demonstrations - anything that provides optimal consumer impact and brings the brand to life.
We can initiate experiential campaigns in the following areas:
Mall centre courts
Corporate canteens
Alternative events marketing - PSL*
Cause Related Marketing / CSI*
Primedia on-the-move advertising*
Production and Processes*
Valuable consumer data is captured from the desired target market during each campaign providing current and immediate brand feedback to client.
Premier Soccer League*
Primedia Activation is the exclusive marketing and distribution partner to the PSL.
Various packages have been designed to allow clients to not only be represented at any of the PSL matches - but to also be able to interact with their target market.
The packages are designed to ignite senses as well as offer educational benefits.
The spectator expectancy for the PSL games is in excess of 20 000
Cause related marketing*
It's important to acknowledge that our simple, daily actions - like what we buy, where we shop, and how we invest - can have a major impact on the quality of our lives and the lives of others.
The answer lies in building trust - the currency of the 21st century. People want more than price and quality. Values associated with the brand, the company reputation behind the brand and the way it's regarded are key elements. Trust is intangible and takes a lot of building up, but once there, people are loath to give up on it.
Brands that lead the way in these areas generate trust among their stakeholders, and they raise the bar for everyone else. Values do matter.
Companies committed to meeting the challenges of the future with an expanded view of corporate responsibility, understand that it is more than just a matter of 'doing the right thing' - it also makes good business sense.
Primedia on-the-move*
We have access to approximately 250 trucks nationwide which are currently being used for direct distribution.
These trucks have been fitted with side panels in which advertising material can easily be inserted.
Primedia-on-the-move is effective for clients who would like a presence in specific suburbs or regions.
The advertising boards can be rotated quickly and easily for a fast-paced advertising campaign.
Production of advertising material will be facilitated by Primedia Activation and included in the total cost.

Digital online facilities for remote proofing
Incite - includes in-store and POP
DDS and Quick cut - FMCG Libraries
Electronic Guard book
Page store for sending adverts digitally to publications
DAS - tracking competitive advertising
Web Portal
Our offering is to facilitate and manage the activation process from start to finish - from generating the idea to enlisting the services of professionals in their field to assist
with execution of the campaign.
Our mission is to develop and implement strategic, targeted, educational and
measurable interactive marketing campaigns, with the inclusion of social development
which can add to any CSI initiative.
The overall outcome is to instill a complete understanding of the brand and
drive a connection between product and consumer.
The final delivery point is to provide data captured as a measurable ROI.
Contact Us
2nd Floor
284 Oak Avenue
Ferndale, Randburg
South Africa
f:+27 |