Basket ads in store medium
Jul 26th, 13:19
Basket-Ads, are advertisements which are inserted into the bottom or sides of shopping baskets, by means of a patented method of attachment. The method of attachment to the basket is a unique feature of this product and allows fast, on-site-installation, without the need (and cost) to modify the basket. The advertisement is firmly secured, but still allows the baskets to be easily cleaned.
Basket-Ads are litho-printed in full-colour onto polypropylene, which is cost-effective, attractive, durable, hygienic and environmentally safe.
In today's over-crowded retail environment, this advertisement-attachment to the bottom of the basket, provides advertisers with an unique 'hard-to-miss" and exclusive moment with their clients. Basket-Ads offer advertisers the opportunity to target the basket-shopper on a large scale, yet in an extremely cost-effective way.
Basket-Ads provide ROI and Brand awareness, giving the advertiser thousands of “billboards” in store and where it counts, with sales-escalations of 15-61 % being received.
Our clients using basket-ads, had the following to say about it:
A brilliantly simple idea. When you think about it, global shopping mostly involves baskets and not trolleys. When they start filling up their baskets and again when they unpack it at the check-out counters, consumers cannot help but see the ad-message on the bottom of their basket. It just shows, that some of the most creative advertising-solutions, are often the simplest.
Chris Moerdyk – Bizz Community
I love it and the stores where they are being used, love it too. For me it is a great and a very visible way for brand- and/or product awareness advertising and this is obviously because it is directly directed to the consumer(s) you want to reach.
Elrene Smuts
Key Account Marketing Manager | Brand Coordinator
P.O.S. advertising in Supermarket retail space is very desirable, but often prohibitively expensive – particularly for smaller brands. Basket-Ads offer an unique opportunity to gain brand exposure where it really counts – in the minutes and seconds leading up to the purchase decision. They are able to deliver this advantage in a very impactful, cost-efficient and targeted package.
Gary Moss Business Director
Basket-Ads are fantastic! You get the consumers' attention the moment the basket are picked up. A great way to communicate with customers. They see your brand from first to last item. Your brand stays with the customer. A moving billboard in the consumers' hand. This is the way to do Brand recognition and Namaqua is proud to be associated with Basket-Ads in South Africa.
Joshua Fourie – Namaqua wines
Inventor, Bosman Swanepoel says: “It benefits both retailer and Brands. It is a "no-brainer" if you want your product to be seen in store. It is in-store, where research has shown, that 7 out of 10 customers make their buying decisions. The ad is seen when picking up the basket, when putting in your item for purchase and for a third time when unpacking at the check-out counters. This visibility conveys your message to your target-audience very effectively.
Basket-Ads have provided a way to think "outside the box" and get Brands into the basket.
Contact us for availability on stores:
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