New from Ace
Jun 14th, 11:43
One of South Africa’s favourite brands has launched a new super maize meal product for the modern urban generation of maize meal lovers.
Without losing that well-loved Ace Taste, Gauteng consumers can now enjoy their favourite maize meal in a matter of minutes. Ace Quick Cook Super Maize meal is a beautiful smooth white maize meal with all the great taste and nutrition of regular Ace Super Maize meal but depending on how much you need to cook you can get it from the stove top to the table in less than 5 minutes.
With the pressures of a modern urban lifestyle and an ever increasing cost of electricity consumers told us that they would really love it if they could enjoy the Ace taste in a matter of minutes.
• Same great taste of ACE
• Same great filling nutrition
• In minutes from the stove top to the table
Now available in stores in Gauteng in 1kg, 2,5kg and 5 kg only.
Click here for more information on Ace